1. Passive filter
Passive filters in power systems have advantages such as low cost, simple structure, reliable operation, and convenient maintenance. They are currently the main methods used for harmonic suppression and reactive power compensation in power supply and consumption systems. However, it has drawbacks such as large volume and significant impact on filtering performance by the system.
2Distribution static compensator
At present, static compensators for power distribution have been applied in the United States and Japan. Its working principle is completely different from ordinary static var compensation devices (SVCs). It uses turn-off power electronic devices and instantaneous reactive power theory based on coordinate transformation principle for control. It is a device that can balance high order harmonics and reactive power compensation.
3. Power quality regulator
The power quality regulator is a new type of regulator used to improve the power quality of medium and low voltage distribution networksPower quality monitoringdeviceThe control and governance device consists of two main components: a current transformer and an energy storage device. Converters generally use standard, insulated bipolar transistor (IGBT) based pulse width modulation technology. Compared with traditional power quality regulation methods, the regulation response is faster, more flexible, practical, and greatly improves reliability.
4. Parallel active power filter
Basically, it overcomes the shortcomings of passive filters and introduces a new concept of dynamic compensation. In addition to compensating for harmonics, APF can also regulate various power quality issues. To achieve high capacity harmonics or diversity of active compensation functions, APF needs to have a large device capacity. The research on hybrid compensation schemes is currently in a stage of continuous development and gradual deepening. Conducting in-depth research on this type of regulator and proposing corresponding hybrid compensation measures with good technical and economic performance for different load situations will undoubtedly play a positive role in improving power quality.