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AC Power Quality Monitor

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What is a power system power quality monitoring instrument

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What is a power system power quality monitoring instrument

Release date:August 31, 2020 Author:Fangchang Electric Power Click:

    Power quality monitoring仪It is a power quality supervision and detection network for the power grid, which is basically the main equipment. The initial devices have many problems in terms of data storage, data transmission, and backend statistical analysis functions. Regarding the current usage of harmonic monitoring and analysis devices in China, as well as the problems that may arise during the operation of the devices.

Main purpose: It can monitor and display the system frequency, 2-63rd harmonic voltage and current in the power grid, three-phase voltage imbalance, voltage fluctuation and flicker, voltage deviation, effective value and true effective value of voltage fundamental wave, effective value and true effective value of current fundamental wave, active power of fundamental wave, true power factor, and other all power quality parameters specified in national standards in real-time. With the vigorous development of China's national economy, the power load has sharply increased, and converter devices are widely used in various fields. Various impulsive and nonlinear loads are increasing day by day.

For example, silicon rectification devices for water and salt electrolysis, electric locomotives in electrified railways, silicon rectification power sources for traction, electric arc furnaces, DC transmission and converter stations, and various widely used frequency conversion and speed regulation devices, AC voltage regulation devices, etc. These nonlinear loads cause power quality problems such as current waveform distortion, voltage fluctuation and flicker, and three-phase imbalance in the power system, Causing serious harm to the operation of the power system, such as causing misoperation of protection and automatic devices, causing additional losses, heating, and mechanical vibration of rotating motors, resulting in overheating of capacitors, causing errors in energy metering and instrumentation, and interference with communication lines.

The power system power quality monitoring instrument has the functions of collecting various parameters of power quality according to national standards, high reliability of online long-term operation, convenient and practical on-site operation, and communication with the central station; At the same time, it can also record and store data for a long time, and it is convenient to read data. This device adopts the same DSP digital signal processor and high-speed multi-channel AD co acquisition technology as foreign products. It adopts a dual DSP structure design in data processing and display storage, with strong functionality and easy operation and software upgrade.

Power system power quality monitoring instrument

This article's website:/news/532.html

Keywords:Power system power quality monitoring instrument,Power quality monitoring device,Development of analytical equipment

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