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Do photovoltaic power stations need to install power quality monitoring devices

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Do photovoltaic power stations need to install power quality monitoring devices

Release date:November 17, 2020 Author:Fangchang Electric Power Click:

Photovoltaic power generation is greatly affected by external factors, with significant fluctuations in output power, which can easily cause a series of power quality issues such as voltage fluctuations and voltage flicker. Among the basic equipment of photovoltaic power generation, there is an important nonlinear device, the inverter, which can cause the generation of harmonics, which can cause pollution to the power grid and affect the quality of power. Therefore, photovoltaic power stations need to be installedPower quality monitoringdeviceTo monitor the generated harmonics, voltage fluctuations and flicker, voltage deviation, three-phase imbalance, etc.

Due to the geographical limitations of solar energy, the amount of sunlight intensity in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau and desert grassland areas of China is considerable, and there will definitely be many photovoltaic power generation systems to be constructed in the future. The stable operation of the system requires the maintenance of professional personnel. Due to geographical limitations, maintenance personnel cannot monitor the system's operating status in real-time, such as some photovoltaic power generation communication stations in deep mountains that are unmanned. By monitoring various data of power quality through power quality monitoring devices, it ensures that the superior control center can maintain and dispatch the system.

In the "GB/T 19964-2012 Technical Regulations for the Connection of Photovoltaic Power Stations to Power Systems", it is specified that photovoltaic power stations should be equipped with real-time monitoring equipment for power quality. Adopting an internationally advanced embedded real-time operating system as the software platform, all software adopts language programming to ensure high reliability and portability of the system; The data acquisition channel adopts a single channel single A/D design, with a unique 16 bit parallel A/D, fully synchronized sampling, higher accuracy and faster speed; Large capacity storage space meets the data storage requirements of power quality monitoring devices, and real-time data is not lost upon power failure.

Power quality monitoring device

This article's website:/news/553.html

Keywords:Power quality monitoring device,Power system power quality monitoring instrument,Development of analytical equipment

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