Power quality monitoringdeviceMainly installed in the front-end of the booster grid connection, it can continuously monitor the power quality of each booster station, and upload the collected data to the backend server of the main station through the network. The power quality monitoring device is used to analyze and manage the power quality of each booster station, achieving the following functions:
1. Real time display of power quality data: When on-site duty personnel conduct duty inspections, they can view the power quality data of each boosting station in real time, accurately analyze the power quality status of each boosting station before grid connection, successfully complete the inspection work, and ensure stable grid connection. The voltage and current harmonics, inter harmonics, and high-frequency components fully comply with the technical standards for wind power grid connection; Accurate measurement of voltage fluctuations and flicker.
2. Real time alarm for abnormal power quality events: When abnormal events occur at the monitoring station, an alarm is immediately triggered, and a plan can be set to automatically remind relevant departments to analyze and investigate the event through email. Generate reports that meet national standards for data analysis and archiving by power units. Power quality monitoring captures, triggers, and alerts transient events such as voltage dips, voltage surges, short-term voltage interruptions, and surge currents. It is a globally innovative recording and analysis of transient events.