Voltage quality. Provide the deviation between the actual voltage and the ideal voltage to reflect whether the power supply department allocates qualified electricity to users.Power quality monitoringdeviceUsually including voltage deviation, voltage frequency deviation, voltage imbalance, electromagnetic transient phenomena, voltage fluctuations and flickers, short-term voltage fluctuations, voltage harmonics, voltage harmonics, voltage gaps, undervoltages, overvoltage, etc.
Current quality. The quality of current is closely related to the quality of voltage. In order to improve the transmission efficiency of electrical energy, in addition to requiring users to draw a single frequency sine wave, it is also necessary to try to maintain the current waveform as the same as the supply voltage. Current quality usually includes current harmonics, inter harmonics, current phase leading and lagging, noise, etc. Studying current quality can help improve the power quality of the power grid and reduce line losses, but it cannot summarize most quality problems caused by voltage reasons, which are often not always caused by electricity consumption.
Power supply quality includes two parts: technical and non-technical. The technical meaning includes voltage quality and power supply reliability; Non technical meaning refers to service quality, including the response speed of the technical power supply department to user complaints and complaints, as well as the transparency of electricity pricing objectives. The quality of electricity consumption reflects the responsibilities and obligations of both parties involved in the interaction and influence of electricity supply and consumption, including technical and non-technical meanings. The technical meaning includes the impact and requirements on the technical indicators of power system energy quality. Non technical meaning refers to the quality of fulfilling electricity usage responsibilities and obligations, such as whether users pay electricity bills on time and in full.